Client Bank and Demat Accounts
“Investors are requested to note that Stock broker Toshniwal Equity Services Private Limited is permitted to receive money from investor through designated bank accounts only named as Up streaming Client Nodal Bank Account (USCNBA). Stock broker Toshniwal Equity Services Private Limited is also required to disclose these USCNB accounts to Stock Exchange. Hence, you are requested to use following USCNB accounts only for the purpose of dealings in your trading account with us. The details of these USCNB accounts are also displayed by Stock Exchanges on their website under “Know/ Locate your Stock Broker.”
As mandated by NSE circular download ref: NSE/INSP/57250 dt 22.06.2023 and by BSE/MSEI/SEBI, all investors are requested to make note of our following bank accounts only into which you shall transfer funds against margin, settlements, other dues:
As mandated by SEBI/ NSE/ BSE/ MSEI, all investors are requested to make note of our following demat accounts only into which you shall pledge/ transfer securities against purposes specified:
S.No. | Segment | Bank Name, Branch Name | Account Name | IFSC | Account No. |
1 | Cash | HDFC Bank, Fort, Mumbai 400001 | Toshniwal Equity Services Private Limited – USCNB Account | HDFC0000060 | 00600340032380 |
2 | Derivatives | HDFC Bank, Fort, Mumbai 400001 | Toshniwal Equity Services Private Limited – USCNB Account | HDFC0000060 | 00600340032405 |
3 | Currency Derivatives | HDFC Bank, Fort, Mumbai 400001 | Toshniwal Equity Services Private Limited – USCNB Account | HDFC0000060 | 00600340043649 |
S.No. | Segment | DP Name, Branch Name | DP ID | Client ID |
1 | Trade Settlement | HDFC Bank, Fort, Mumbai 400001 | IN301330 | 22407291 |
2 | Margin Pledge | HDFC Bank, Fort, Mumbai 400001 | IN301330 | 11281882 |